What I love about Siri...

  • Reminders
  • Tasks
  • Lists

I had a special request! I have a tendency to go all TMI with a tech byte, so that's why I put the details over here on this blog.  

Sweet and simple though, Siri will remind you of whatever you ask her. I held down the home button and asked Siri, "Remind me to write a tech byte for Debbie at 10:30 am." So the iPhone will alert you with a tone and a visual reminder at the specified time. 

Need to be reminded to leave money from the tooth fairy?

I asked Siri, "Remind me to be the tooth fairy at 4 am." And she did.

Would you like to add things to your grocery list on the go? 

Add your stores to by creating a new list. Once you have done this you can ask Siri, "Add gravy to my Walmart list."


Easy peasy. Now you can free up your mind from remembering little things. 

Here's the thing... I do word puzzles to keep my mind sharp. :-B


Never forget to play Tooth Fairy again...


Peanut Butter on Weight Watchers...