It's a hard knock life...


Today was the third day of summer break and the first day that no one was available to play with. 

I had been threatening Christopher with the chore that once he got bored we could clean out his toy box and get rid of all the things he doesn't play with anymore. That would usually encourage him to find something else to do. 

Today as he pouted boredom, he called my bluff and said, "Okay." /:)

It's a Finish the Sentence Friday post! 


"The hardest part about my day is... entertaining boredom."

I was really waiting on a rainy day for this clean out the toy box project, however a day of a 108 degree heat index has the same 'shut in' effect.

So we put on the Kidz Bop station on Pandora and this is how we started off.  

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Kenya G. Johnson (Author)

Doing the dreaded joint effort clean out the toy box. I have permission to throw away the dry erase board that has permanent ink on it.
4 pic cleanup.png

Christopher has a hard time throwing away or getting rid of things. Sometimes he'll justify keeping it with some kind of sentiment. 

I could have easily scooped all of this evidence of too many Kid's Meals into a box and made it disappear. But we went through things one by one.

  1. The bottom of the barrel
  2. This warranted negotiation - threw away
  3. No negotiating on his first Transformer - kept
  4. The after shot.

I wish I had taken a before shot. I think I was in denial about all the work that had to be done. I must have said fifty times, "Put this in the LEGO box." His room is dusted, vacuumed and spotless. I can walk in there barefoot now. 

Here's the thing... I wonder how many LEGO pieces are at the bottom of Dyson's barrel? 

This post was inspired by:

Mail 4 Rosey: Garbage Day and

Finish the Sentence Friday  

Finish the Sentence Friday

Streaming: No Cable Necessary


Never forget to play Tooth Fairy again...