I've committed a crime...

who is it.jpeg

In 1987, I committed a crime and it wouldn't be my last offense.

I've sent Ellen copies of The Christopher Chronicles. So just in case the books ever surface in the piles of fan mail, I want to be prepared for an interview. If I'm ever sitting across from Ellen on her show, I'd like to go ahead and get this embarrassment out of the way.  

It's a Finish the Sentence Friday Post! 

"If I could go back and do something over it would be..." my Senior photo hairstyle.  

This isn't anything that would change the course of history; my life would be exactly the same. I didn't make any of my future choices based on my senior hair. The only thing that would have changed was my regret by the time the yearbook was published.


It's was Spring Break 1987...

and the year of Salt-n-Pepa. I was on an 11th grade trip in Daytona Beach and my friends didn't twist my arm to try Sun In hair lightener.

What followed was a my daddy is going to kill me result. But I liked it. It was pretty close to Pepa's.

If we arrived back home on Friday, my hair appointment was set for Saturday when my mom would ask the hairdresser to dye it back to my natural color. My hairdresser chose jet black which was a worse disaster than the results of Sun In. 

I spent the rest of the summer trying to wash the black out.  

It was the end of Summer 1987 time for Senior photos...

and I had undoubtedly spent 2 hours on my hair before my glamour shot photo session with Olan Mills. 

It was a hot and humid day in South Carolina and I had to ride in a hideous paint peelin' green, jump startin', no a/c havin', Voltzwagen Beetle to get there.

I prayed for every single stacked curl to be in tact when I arrived and I took my pinky small curling iron with me just in case.  

Decades later my son would not admire my handy work... 

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Kenya G. Johnson

Looking at my senior yearbook 1988, Christopher said about my photo, "That is the most ridiculous hair I have ever seen. Why did Mimi do that to you?" Can't blame it on Mimi, that was my creation and OH HOW I REGRET IT!

Hair Record


1st Offense 1987

  • Senior Photo (documented)

2nd Offense 1988

  • Senior Prom 

3rd Offense 1988

  • Senior Graduation (so bad I couldn't throw my cap)

4th Offense -

  • All of 1989

Here's the thing... for the record, my hair was FLY and it's documented!


Finish the Sentence Friday

I Hate Mondays...


Murphy's Law of Home Alone Part 2...