Recap of last week... I am BLOOPED

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Well last week was interesting. I had to be all competitive and finish something I hadn't planned to start. But it was all good - I did it and great things came out of it! I'm blooped though. 

It was a great networking week. As Joi from RX Fitness Lady put it, "No conference, no money spent, just time and energy!" 

I posted 8 days in a row. Seven of the days was Joi's blog challenge where each day had a different prompt.

Between general computer use, blog hopping, and staring at my iPhone after the iO7 update, my eyeballs were pulsing by the time I closed them each night. You probably won't see me here again until next month. I am going on an 8-day blog-iatus. 

Here's the excerpted recap... 

Awards & Challenges...

 When I was a new blogger trying to figure out what to write about, I decided to give myself the Versatile Blogger Award. Then the awards really started pouring in. I mean like every other five months and I just couldn't keep up. So I wrote a prepared speech and sent a personal e-mail to the presenter sugar coating the "thanks but no thanks" and hoped I was forgiven.

A Rookie Mistake...

This week I am participating in a mini blog challenge where Monday's prompt is a Blog Commercial or Confessions of A Blogger. I am throwing my link in the ring combining the prompt in a confessions of a first time author kind of way... 

My CELLPHONE is better than yours...

Today is day two of a mini blog challenge where the prompt is to write something controversial. I don't even know if I can bring it. I don't do controversy. But I'm going to try... 

My title is to the tune of the Milkshake song. Do you know it?

Checkmate: Starving to win...

Today is day three of a mini blog challenge  where the theme is "humorous". I'm always amazed at how long my husband and son can go without eating when I'm not cooking anything.  So today I am sharing a short story about winning a very important game that I call "hold out".  

Throwback Thursday (10 years)

Today is day four of a mini blog challenge and we are throwing it back 10 years! I am throwing it back 10 years to the day!!! 

What gadget were you using in 2003? I'm going on about this one like is was the best thing since peanut butter and jelly...

A helpful list to get your man to do stuff...

This is day five of a mini blog challenge and we are prompted to write a helpful list. I am sharing a list that I wrote over a year ago. It still holds true, and it is a list that brings people to my blog everyday! 

How my family reacts to my blog...

This is day six of a mini blog challenge where we are prompted to write about how our family reacts to our blog. My mom and dad read it. I have a cousin who  reads it, my brother and his wife will read it if I send them the link, and my husband reads it like never.

How does your family react to your blog?

Blog Challenge - Shout Outs

Today is the last day of the mini blog challenge. The prompt is "blog love" (post specific). I am breaking the rules on this one because I didn't do my homework and I am writing this at the crack of last minute. I do have some URL specific shout outs though...

 Here's the thing... I got nuthin'  - I am blooped I tell ya. I AM BLOOPED.


Monday stream of consciousness...


Blog Challenge - Shout Outs