Catch Me If You Can!

A story with two truths and one lie.

I was tagged by blogger friend Jamie Miles to participate in a challenge to tell two truths and one lie. I don't usually play along because I don't like to tag a bunch of people but in this challenge, you only had to tag one person and Jamie chose me.

I also like the theme she chose, which suits me perfectly at this time, because I've only blogged twice since June.

Why I haven't blogged much lately...

  1. I've lost my writing mojo, so I'm ready to quit. When I'm feeling this way I change my blog theme. I've changed my blog theme a lot and I've finally run out templates I like. At this point I'd have to go back to something I've had and I'm like bleh. Enough of this. I think this chapter of my life is over.

  2. I've lost my writing mojo, so I've been exercising my butt off. I pretty much rise with the sun seven days a week and that is the time to exercise or write. After the day gets started I quickly lose my momentum for doing either, so I choose exercise. 

  3. I've lost my writing mojo, so I've been Netflixing, organizing stuff and putting puzzles together. This summer I've put together six puzzles, cleaned out two closets, completed a major overhaul to Papa Bear's office space and tweaked mine to death.

So you get it. I've lost my writing mojo and I have all kinds of excuses, excuses, excuses for why I haven't blogged much lately. Everything I do each day is some form of procrastination against facing the computer. 

Anyway, it's my blogging friends who keep me from completely dropping off the map, so the first person I thought of for this challenge is Raymanda from British Mum USA because she's been MIBA for some time now.

Come back in a few days to hear the truth or catch me in a lie now, if you can. Now I must stop rambling before I give something away.


This Chapter Continues


This is going to hurt me more...