Reach out and touch somebody...


I have always lived away from family. I suppose that is how I adjusted so well to being a military wife. Everywhere I went, I only missed my mom, dad and my brother.

When my brother was born, we had a carload of relatives come to visit. Other than that we only saw the other sides of the family each summer when we traveled up North to them.

My grandfather came to visit the most. He was there for regular visits. He was there when my brother and I graduated from high school. He was there for my wedding along with a handful of relatives. I was always happy for who was able to make it. I was conditioned to never be disappointed by those who could not. 

When I was pregnant, my mom threw me a baby shower. At that point I had been gone from home for eight years, but she gathered some of my friends, old co-workers and a few people from the church that I had attended. My husband drove me home the weekend of my shower.

I called my mom from the car when we were a few minutes away, “Unlock the door, I have to pee!” When we pulled up, I ran inside to the bathroom before saying hello. When I came out, I went straight into the kitchen. “Wow, it smells good in here. You cooked all of this?” 

I was rubbing my belly and reaching for a plate. She said, “Don’t you want to come in here and say hello to your daddy?” I kind of shrugged my shoulders. “Okay...?” It was more exciting to fix my plate. I peeked my head into the living room and two of my aunts yelled, “Surprise!”

I inhaled a gasp and exhaled a sob. I was SO surprised. 

Here’s the thing... I didn’t realize how much it meant to me to have extended family there, until they were there. Reach out a call someone today. They will be happy to hear from you. 

 Kenya G. Johnson


A needle in a haystack!


Wordless Wednesday 2012