Letter To Day 76

Dear Day Seventy-Six,

This first part is a copy & paste from instagram; I’ve been “journaling” over there.

So I went to the beach today as I’ve done almost every Monday since the beginning of the year. I posted on my regular facebook page “No cooties here”. I got in a three-mile walk and shared the space with about three other people who were just out there taking in the beauty. I know we’re all scared of each other right now, but eye contact isn’t contagious. I looked at two people as I passed them, waiting for them to look up so I could smile a greeting. They never looked up.

It sure felt good to get out. I’d only been indoors for two days. My writer’s mind is envisioning a near future were Marine tanks are on the road (I live in a military town) stopping cars and asking what business do they have out in town. I’m not gonna lie, I am really scared.

It felt good to breathe some fresh air. I’m allergic to pollen so I can’t walk my neighborhood. Year after year (not this year) I’ve been to the doctor in January or February, saying I don’t know if this is allergies or a bad cold. By that (I can’t breathe) point it’s a sinus infection from allergies so I don’t even need to set myself up like that right now. The beach air is clean. Hence the - no cooties.

Hurricane Florence in 2018 did a number on the dunes as well as the property on the other side - beach rentals for military families. I wish I had a before picture because they did a beautiful job with the restoration.

Below is a picture from Monday May 9th, the day after the time changed. An hour makes a big difference in where the tide is. There was no place to walk.

I love my beach shoes but it hasn’t been warm enough to get my feet wet.

Sporadically Yours, Kenya


Letter About Music To Take You Away


Letter To Day 72